Our Vision is Simple
Provide a single place for best in class education solutions
Innnovation, Collaboration, & Integration
SchoolSource Technologies, LLC is a privately held company focused on driving innovation in education by promoting and facilitating key vendor collaboration, improving existing systems with business automation and workflow, and promoting the implementation of emerging technologies. SchoolSource Technologies works cooperatively with State and Local Education Departments and agencies and Regional Information Centers to provide school districts with best-in-class comprehensive solutions for their technology needs. This includes working with districts to develop a full strategic master technology plan and/or providing new or upgraded solutions to existing systems
There is an increasing demand from school districts to have the functionality to view and analyze all pertinent information regarding their district with only a few clicks of the mouse. This includes data residing in Financial/ HR & Administrative systems, Student Management Systems, and the increasing number of Learning Management Systems that continue to evolve in the education market. In addition, school administrators and educators are demanding easier access to review, analyze, illustrate and report on the effectiveness of these programs which are designed to maximize both student and teacher success. Easier access to this information will enable districts to make smarter, data-driven decisions for continued efficiency and effectiveness.